Growing is a necessity, not an option.

The self-improvement space you need.

Sounds good? Scroll down.

What happened to Profiteri (Ciorogarla Unita)?

We decided to invest more time and effort into Profiteri (Ciorogarla Unita) and make it more than just a collective of people. We want to make it a community, a network of people that share the same values and beliefs.

Our Partners

The people who we work with to make everything possible

Special mentions

The people who help us along the way

Why Roseto?

Solid foundation

We are built on privacy, security, freedom, sustainability, development, and community.


We are as open as possible. From our code, to the money we make, to our plans.


While we are based in Romania, we are doing our best to extend our reach to the entire world.


We are always looking for new ways to improve our services and the way we do things.

Contribute financially


Small donation

A helping hand to support Roseto and it's projects


This is a one-time contribution

You will be redirected to Open Collective for payment


Small Sponsor

A big help to support Roseto and it's projects

€10 /month

This is a recurring contribution

You will be redirected to Open Collective for payment


Gold Sponsor

Enough to organise a small scale training activity

€50 /month

This is a recurring contribution

You will be redirected to Open Collective for payment


Platinum Sponsor

Enough to create multiple high quality experiences for our everyone.

€100 /month

This is a recurring contribution

You will be redirected to Open Collective for payment


Exclusive Sponsor

A big help that helps us aim for the stars when it comes to creating software, projects and events.

€500 /month

This is a recurring contribution

You will be redirected to Open Collective for payment


Website + Email address

Contribute to Platforma Ciorogarla and you get a website address + Email address (eg. & [email protected]).

€10 /month

This is a recurring contribution

You will be redirected to Open Collective for payment

Learn about Roseto

Grow, Learn, Connect


Who are we

Roseto ("Roseto Collective") is a dynamic and forward-thinking group committed to empowering the youth while fostering the digital transformation of local communities and businesses. With a passion for innovation and community development, we strive to bridge the gap between technology and local needs, ensuring that the younger generation has the tools and opportunities they need to thrive in today's digital age. Join us in our mission to create a brighter, more connected future for all.

We are committed to creating a sustainable future for all. And we are trying our best to create as less carbon footprint as possible. We use renewable energy, static site generators, and only update the content when necessary.


Digitalize, evolve, grow together

We are on a mission to digitalize the world, evolve the communities, and grow together. We are trying to make the world a better place for everyone.


We are always working on something new. Check out our updates to see what we are up to.

24 Mar 2024

Welcome Paquet!

We are happy to announce that Paquet is now part of Roseto! Paquet is a project that aims to make web apps more accessible to everyone by providing a simple way of publishing and discovering web apps. We will fund Paquet and help it grow, and we are excited to see what the future holds for it.

Paquet is a project that was started by Savin Angel-Mario, that quickly gained some traction. We are happy to have this project under our wing, and we hope to see it grow and become a staple in the web app community.

Paquet will continue to be developed by Mario, with the help of the Roseto Collective. The app will remain free to use, and we will not introduce any ads or tracking. We will also continue to respect your privacy and data, and we will not sell your data to third parties.

Our Contributors

These are the people who have contributed to the Roseto's mission.

It's you

We really love you.


We are a collective

We love to work with each other and we love the informal environment we have created. That's why we are not a non-profit organization, we are a collective. We function mostly the same way, with the aid of Open Collective Europe.


We are privacy-first

Privacy is one of our core values. We are doing our best to keep your data safe and secure. We are using end-to-end encryption, we are not tracking you, and we are not selling your data.